Commencing 13 Nov 2024
Open to Coaches who have completed the training & Mentoring of an ICF Level1program.
Acquire your Coach education from internationally acclaimed experts
Gain competence and confidence to fast start your coaching practice
'Artistry of Coaching' is a Level-2 ICF Accredited Coaching education, leading to the ICF PCC credential. The 125 hours training program is delivered in two parts. The first part being the Level-1 ICF Accredited Coaching education Program 'Essence of Coaching' (Commencing 29 May 2024). Coaches who have completed the Training and Mentoring of any ICF Level-1 Accredited Coaching Education offering Credit Transfer may join this Level-2 program midway on 13th Nov 2024.
Curated by Master Certified Coach Facilitators, you will explore the principles, methodologies, competencies and the way of being a coach rather than doing coaching. Artistry of coaching is an immersive learning experience that is fast paced, reflective, hands-on and intense!
Program objectives:
Develop confidence and competence to coach in Performance, Development, Leadership, Executive and Life coaching contexts.
Demonstrate coaching competence at the ICF benchmark Professional Certified Coach (PCC) levels.
Deepen self-awareness and self-leadership
Acquire deep understanding of:
The principles and the science of coaching
A holistic approach to development: Life Spiral
Co-creating a trans-formative coaching relationship
Defining and setting powerful goals
The structure of a coaching session
The structure of a coaching engagement
Listening to expand the client’s awareness
The art of powerful questioning
Facilitating insights through creative thinking frames
Designing actions
Creating Awareness
Responding to expand the client’s awareness
The art of powerful questioning: Expanding the Thinking Space
Invoking the client’s self-awareness: Challenging and advocating
Sustaining motivation through change
Facilitating insights and solutions through creative tools and thinking frames
Coaching the Life Spiral: using the macro model for holistic coaching
Designing actions for goal achievement and growth
Managing progress towards the goal and keeping the client accountable
Coaching through challenging phases
ICF code of ethics and core competencies
Coaching Philosophy
The philosophy of human Potential and Resourcefulness guides the Artistry of coaching approach.
The concept of the Life Spiral provides a holistic approach to human development. The Life Spiral is a view of the human being as existing in two environments: internal and external and the dynamic relationship between a person's way of being, beliefs & values, vision & goals, capabilities, actions and outcomes. This serves as a framework to analyze and facilitate change and sustainable growth.
Course fee: INR 1,58,000 +GST
(Includes: Training, Mentoring, Course Manual and Coach performance Evaluation)
Curriculum Overview
Coaching The Life Spiral
Creating Awareness
Direct Communication
Designing Actions
Reviewing Actions & Feedback
Managing Progress & Accountability
Facilitating Insights and Solutions
Brief description
In this unit, you will explore the ICF core competencies descriptions in letter and spirit. This unit is integrated across the 10 hours of mentoring that is integrated with the course. You will learn how to demonstrate the professional competencies of coaching and self-assess your growing capabilities and journal your development as a coach. You will also receive oral and written feedback from 6 ‘Observed coaching sessions’ on the ICF core competencies.
Demonstrates Ethical Practice
Embodies a Coaching Mindset
Establishes and Maintains Agreements
Cultivates Trust and Safety
Maintains Presence
Listens Actively
Evokes Awareness
Facilitates Client Growth
In this unit, you will learn how to use the concept of the ‘Life Spiral’ as a holistic approach to the client's development. The dynamic inter-relationships between the client’s identity, beliefs, values, vision, goals, capabilities, actions, behaviours and outcomes are explored here. The LifeSpiral acts as a framework for the coach to analyse, understand, identify and facilitate the client towards congruent, sustainable change and growth.
Key elements
The Life Spiral Model
In this unit, you will learn how to facilitate the client's awareness. How to work with the client to invoke deeper understanding, identify concerns, provoke perspectives, surface assumptions, generalizations and beliefs that come in the way of the client's progress and share useful perspectives are covered here.
Key elements
Going beyond the description
Invoking understanding
Identifying concerns
Model of the world
Facts and Interpretations
Ability to Act
Provoking Perspectives
Factors affecting behaviors
Sharing Insights
Strengths and growth areas
‘Say-Do’ gap
In this unit, you will learn how to communicate with the client in a direct and sensitive way while offering useful information to enhance the client's awareness. How to provide feedback, enable the client to reframe perspectives in challenging situations and to challenge the client's thinking in appropriate ways are explored here.
Key elements
Direct communication
Creating certainty
Respecting client’s words
Using metaphors
In this unit, you will learn how to facilitate the client to design powerful actions. The two dimensions of actions: progress towards the goal & the inner development of the client is explored here. The different purpose of designing actions include: actions for learning, exploring concerns and opportunities and experimentation and self-discovery.
Key elements
Actions for learning
Exploring concerns and opportunities
Exploring, evaluating and deciding
Experimentation and self-discovery
Celebrates successes
Advocating points of view
"Do It Now"
Providing the stretch
In this unit, you will learn how to review the actions and facilitate feedback. How to review actions and integrate the learning, overcome challenges in taking actions, provide feedback and facilitate the client to solicit and debrief feedback is covered here.
Key elements
Reviewing Actions
Challenges in taking Actions
Coaching - Feedback cycle
Utilizing Feedback
In this unit, you will learn how to manage the progress of the client through the coaching journey and holding them accountable for actions and results. How to follow-through with actions, acknowledge the client, prepare and review information, hold attention of the client between sessions, focus on the coaching plan and promote self-discipline are explored here.
Key elements
Eliciting effective actions
Preparing and reviewing information
Holding attention between sessions
Focusing on the coaching plan
Connecting the content and the context
Promoting self-discipline
Developing capabilities
Promoting feedback
In this unit, you will learn how to facilitate insights and solutions. The importance of surfacing solutions and learning from the client's conscious and the subconscious intelligence and a range of tools, thinking frameworks and processes are explored and applied in this unit.
Thinking Frameworks
Visualization for clarity
Visualization for inspiration
Values elicitation tools
Coaching Processes
Cause Identification tools